
Two papers on shamanism

Two papers on shamanism

Researcher Manuel Mayo has participated in the 18th Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions and he will participate in the JiiMA 2021. From August 31 to September 3, the 18th Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study...

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Los cuentos del Pañcatantra

Los cuentos del Pañcatantra

Viṣṇuśarman, Los cuentos del Pañcatantra. Edición bilingüe de José Virgilio García Trabazo. Madrid: Abada Editores, 2021. ISBN 978-84-17301-53-8 The collection of fables that bears the name of Pañcatantra (‘The Five Books’) constitutes one of the fundamental works of...

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A Contribution by Dr. Criado on Digital Libraries

A Contribution by Dr. Criado on Digital Libraries

«Digital libraries of ancient Greek and Latin texts. Lights and shadows» is the paper that Dr. Cecilia Criado will be presenting at the V Conference of the Hispanic Digital Humanities Association, Scire Vias. Digital Humanities and Knowledge, organized by the...

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Sintaxis Latina

Sintaxis Latina

Cabrillana, C. (2021a), “Nominativo y Vocativo”, en J. M. Baños (coord. ed.), Sintaxis Latina, I. Introducción. Sintaxis de la oración simple, Madrid, CSIC: 111-134. ISBN Vol. I: 987-84-00-10826-7. Cabrillana, C. (2021b), “Las oraciones finales y consecutivas”, en J....

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O proxecto Corpus Documentale Latinum Gallaeciae (CODOLGA) acaba de publicar unha nova versión da súa base de datos, a número 17 (2020). Este proxecto está dirixido polo profesor Xosé Carracedo Fraga e desenvólvese no marco dun convenio existente entre a USC e o...

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VI Olimpiada de Traducción de Textos Clásicos

VI Olimpiada de Traducción de Textos Clásicos

Este mércores, 26 de maio de 2021, entre as 16:00 e as 20:00 horas terá lugar na Facultade de Filoloxía a celebración das probas da "VI Olimpiada de Traducción de Textos Clásicos", organizada pola Sección de Galicia da Sociedade Española de Estudos Clásicos en...

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Two lectures at the Ganimedes congress

Two lectures at the Ganimedes congress

The adjective iókolpos and the mysteric-aischrologic backdrop of Herodas' work On March 4th, at the IX Ganimedes congress, held virtually this year due to Covid, the researchers in training Pablo Torres París and Elena García Paleo gave their first lectures at the...

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April 2024