A book about Moby Dick and the symbology of the classical world

A book about Moby Dick and the symbology of the classical world

Moby Dick. Alegoría y mito. El trasfondo simbólico del mundo grecolatino, by Dr. María José Martín Velasco, is a book that has just come to light in Eolas Ediciones. It discusses the extent to which Melville had soaked himself in Greco-Roman culture and had...
New Doctoral Thesis on Emotions in Hittite Texts

New Doctoral Thesis on Emotions in Hittite Texts

On Thursday 2 March, João Paulo Galhano defended his PhD Thesis on “Hittite Emotions in Lexical and Semantic Grounds. A research into the history of emotions through the hittite records”, supervised by José Virgilio García Trabazo (Univ. of Santiago) and Nuno Simões...
Two researchers publish in the same issue of Hispania Sacra

Two researchers publish in the same issue of Hispania Sacra

In the recently published issue of the Hispania Sacra magazine, from the CSIC Institute of History, two members of the Classic and Medieval Studies Research Group have published articles. Professor Varela Rodríguez in his article “Trezenzonio, revisitado. Noticias...